Our TTC Story for baby #2!

Hey my loves,

Feels so so so good to be back! We welcomed another beautiful baby girl into the world on June 10th, 2021. Alina “Hope” is our pride and joy! God was with us throughout this entire journey, even at her birth! My husband and I will be doing a video on her birth story next! Stay tuned. But for now, watch our struggle and all that we went through to even conceive our second baby.

I know there are a lot of women silently struggling, and I want you to know, I hear you and see you. So does God! You are never alone. Have hope, your blessing is on it’s way!


Mrs. Luster

“Overcoming Fear,” Ep. 3 My Experience at a mental hospital!

Hi My loves,


This video is about the time when my anxiety and panic attacks got so bad, I had to go to a mental hospital. The summer of 2016, I had debilitating panic attacks. I was having multiple panic attacks a day, several trips to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack, severe insomnia, until I finally had enough. The Lord placed it on my heart to share this experience because I know there is someone out there that is currently going through the same thing. I’m here to tell you it gets better and God is with you. You are strong, you are worthy, and you will be free from anxiety in Jesus name!




Mrs. Luster

Overcoming Fear Ep.2, How I cure my insomnia!

Hey my loves,


Welcome back to episode 2 of my overcoming fear series. In this video I give helpful tips to anyone who might be suffering from a nasty case of insomnia. When I ‘m dealing with high anxiety, my sleep is greatly effected! When I can’t get a good night’s rest, it intensifies the anxiety. I hope you find these tips helpful! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. 🙂



Mrs. Luster

Overcoming Fear Series Ep.1, What to do if you have Anxiety!

Hi my loves,

Welcome to a series I created called “Overcoming Fear.” The Lord really pressed on my heart to create this series to help someone that might be having a hard time with anxiety right now and they need some help. I know that when I was going through some of my most intense moments of anxiety, I looked on the internet trying to get some relief. Google can be your worst enemy, so staff off of that! Let’s pray in faith together and work through your anxiety.

Hope you all enjoy this series! Don’t forget to subscribe and give my video a thumbs up!



Mrs. Luster


Hello my loves,

Today’s post is a fun little video I did with my daughter. She has to most precious curly hair and I get a lot of messages from other momma’s on how I do her hair! So I decided to do a youtube tutorial on her hair routine. Let me know if you want to see more content like this and make sure you like and subscribe to my youtube channel!



Mrs. Luster

Listen up, God is talking to you!

Hey Everyone,

With the current world pandemic, I wanted to create a video that would hopefully uplift and encourage someone today! If you’re wondering what God is trying to tell you during this time or if you’re wondering if he’s talking to you, I’m here to tell you that yes He is sis!! Listen to my newest video! Hope you enjoy and most of all, leave encouraged!

Listen up, God is talking to you!



Mrs. Luster